Directed by Neil Marshall
Cast - Rhonda Mitra,Bob Hoskins
Soundtrack - Tyler Bates(300)
Plot Summary
A futuristic action thriller where a team of people work to prevent a disaster threatening the future of the human race cause of a deadly virus. Just think "Mad Max" meets "Resident Evil" meets "Escape from New York".
When I first watched "Dog Soldiers", I was well pleased with the way they did the story. Practically everything else except the lighting was nicely done. I found out the director's name was Neil Marshall. His next movie is my 2005's best movie..."The Descent" which was absolutely fucking brilliant! So when I found out that his next project was a big budgeted (30mil) movie called "Doomsday", I was excited..until I saw the trailer to which was rather disappointing. I was thinking to myself, this movie is gonna suck ass.
Nevertheless, I still went to watch Doomsday on the bigscreen and surprise, surprise, I was awed. This movie has so many classic movie references that you get excited at every scene. The action sequences are such a rush for adrenalin which makes you not being able to finish your burger which you sneaked in and even better the soundtrack is from Tyler Bates (if you love the music in 300). What a rush!
If you look at the plot, it does seem rather silly,but what Neil Marshall does is he puts you in the driving seat. This is because of excellent stunts and camerawork.
The editing was pretty good too despite a few fucked up censors from your favourite fucking local censorship board...idiots. Acting wise,pretty much average, Rhonda Mitra looks super fit and super hot (when she is tied up), Hoskins was ok too. You can't go for acting in these kinda movies. You just wanna see blood being spilled and the killl scenes are so spectacular and soooo Mad Max!
Definitely worth watching on a weekend! and bring a friend.
Best Quote
Kane: They started this fire. They can burn in it!
Eden Sinclair: If you're hungry, have a piece of your friend.
Recommended movies by the director
Dog Soldiers
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