Friday, 22 November 2019

Movie review of Gemini Man

Gemini Man - 3.5/10

Ang Lee should really stop doing action movies. Every time he ventures into an action movie, it usually is shit. Hulk, nuff said. Just stick to movies, you are good at.

For an action movie, the action sequences were boring and ridiculous at times. The CGI was below par as well which makes the action sequences a little silly. I've always enjoyed watching Will Smith's movies. He always had a pretty good mix. An aging Will Smith doing action is not too bad. Though he ain't no Tom Cruise but still fun to watch. However, adding a younger version of Will Smith that looks like the Fresh Prince of Bel Air with weird lips (Think Henry Cavhil in Justice League) is just a plain no.
I love sci fi movies but sometimes you have to be a little, just a little realistic. Don't push it too far or it will just become ridiculous. Gemini Man is a fine example. The movie was going ok right until mid way it starts getting ridiculous and then towards the end, the plot twist was just rubbish. And then there was Clive Owen. I really did not understand what Ang Lee was trying to do with his character? Cos it was confusing and Clive Owen's acting did not help one bit as well.

Don't bother watching Gemini Man at the cinema. It's boring and a waster of ticket money. Wait for it to show on cable or Netflix.

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