Monday, 25 April 2022

Movie review of Uncharted

 Uncharted - 5.5/10

From the get go, Unchartered is a movie no one asked for. Perhaps when the games were just out or when Nathan Fillon would have been cast as Nathan Drake. It’s a rather forgettable movie which has Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg. It’s not a terrible movie neither was it great. I guess it was just too safe.

When the casting was out for Unchartered, I’ve always felt Tom Holland and Mark Wahlberg were a terrible choice as Drake and Sully. Tom Holland basically rehashed Spiderman into Nathan Drake. The script and the deliverance of it were nothing like the video game Drake. Even the cameo of the actual VO for video game Drake, was better than Tom Holland’s.

Mark Wahlberg is not a good actor. He is hardworking. Yes. But he can’t act for nuts. Wahlberg usually is good when he co-stars. He thrives off the other actor and that’s what usually makes a good Mark Wahlberg movie. For example, movies like The Other Guys, Ted and Daddy’s Home, there was chemistry between the actors. In Unchartered, his acting was just plain lazy. His line deliverance was boring and there wasn’t much chemistry between him and Holland.

The script is very dull. There were only a few moments in the movie, which made me smile. The action sequences were ok. I enjoyed the most was the fight choreography. That wasn’t too bad. Somehow the whole movie seems manufactured. I don’t feel for any of the characters even though I know them from the games. They were all rather forgettable. There were quite a number of different directors and most of them left due to creative differences. Maybe that was the case why the movie wasn’t that good. In fact the short fan made movie with Nathan Fillon as Drake was way much better. Unfortunately that short film was not endorsed by Song and Naughty Dog.

All in all Unchartered was just simply ok and nothing fantastic. Don’t bother watching it in the cinema. Just wait for it to stream.

Monday, 18 April 2022

Movie Review of Furioza

 Furioza - 5/10

From the trailer, it looked like a eastern european version of Green Street Hooligans or The Firm(cult classic) but sadly Furioza is just a forgettable movie about a bunch of white people beating the shit out of each other, selling drugs and shit and being remorseful after getting fucked.

The terrible thing about Furioza is the editing. The cuts are so abrupt, that at times it took me a while to figure out what time line its in. And there is no warning or whatsoever. I do feel the editing let this movie down badly. I dont feel for any of the characters. 

Even though this is a story about football hooligans, you don't see any football matches and only about 2 mins of the hooligans playing football. That's it. It's just about a bunch of guys who sells drugs and what not and like to fight each other.

All in all, it really isn't as good as the trailer shows and it's rather forgettable. You are not missing anything at all.