Directed byCast - Samuel L Jackson, Hayden Christensen
Plot Summary
A genetic anomaly(Just think of nightcrawler of Xmen) allows a young man to teleport himself anywhere. He discovers this gift has existed for centuries and finds himself in a war that has been raging for thousands of years between "Jumpers" and those who have sworn to kill them"paladins".
What a waste of money. Do not watch this movie cause it is shit! Everything in it is shit. What was the director thinking??? From Bourne Identity to this...what the fuck happened??? The direction was terrible and so was the cinematography. The editing was one of the worst for this year.and for the special effects department... I say go jump off a building or something. It was ridiculous and terrible at the same time.
Acting....sometimes I just wish someone would slap the stupidness out of Samuel L Jackson. Why does he keep taking shitty roles and shitty movies?? I'm also getting tired of that "Sam Jackson Angry Look". He really should fire his agent for making him do these movies.
Hayden Christensen...this fella can't act. It's that simple. He will only be remembered as Anakin Skywalker, even that he was quite bad but it's STAR fucking WARS so it's fine. Darth Vader's helmet has more facial expressions than Hayden. In jumper, half the time the fucker is
Don't even bother watching this movie,even if it's paid for.
Acting....sometimes I just wish someone would slap the stupidness out of Samuel L Jackson. Why does he keep taking shitty roles and shitty movies?? I'm also getting tired of that "Sam Jackson Angry Look". He really should fire his agent for making him do these movies.
Hayden Christensen...this fella can't act. It's that simple. He will only be remembered as Anakin Skywalker, even that he was quite bad but it's STAR fucking WARS so it's fine. Darth Vader's helmet has more facial expressions than Hayden. In jumper, half the time the fucker is
Don't even bother watching this movie,even if it's paid for.
Best Quote
Cox: Only God should have this power.
Recommended movies by the director
The bourne Identity(Matt Damon)
Mr and Mrs Smith (Brad Pitt)
Mr and Mrs Smith (Brad Pitt)